Read color hex codes

How does a colorblind designer work with color? Not with his eyes! Instead David relies on reading color hex codes. He shares his process into understanding those six-digit codes and related insights into human vision, computer history, and digital color…. Source:

How to craft a kickass filtering UX

This is the write up of a research and subsequent debate session we had in the Design team at Zomato. It’s vastly based on Baymard’s e-commerce usability research and on Thierry Meier’s article on filtering and sorting patterns…. Source:

What Newsletters Should Designers And Developers Be Subscribing To?

Upgrade your inbox and get our editors’ picks twice a month. Looking for a list of email newsletters for web designers and developers? We’ve got one that is bound to help you keep up with the industry — the most useful news and resources sent directly to your email inbox…. Source:

Moose — Free Stock Photos

A carefully selected collection of the most beautiful food photos. Your stomach will be delighted. Our Movie-Scale team will shoot, render, and compose it. Everything is free for a link…. Source:

8-Point Grid: Typography On The Web

When I started looking around at popular websites to figure out the best practices for web typography, I must admit I was baffled. Below are some examples of typography scales I pulled from a few popular websites and design systems. Can you find the unifying pattern?… Source:

Advice for a young systems designer

Here’s some advice for designers that are interested in front-end development, product design and systems design work (or in other words, designers that do design for other designers): Don’t get preachy. No-one likes it when you’re giving a sermon…. Source:

How to Repeat Any Shape Along Any Path

After the tutorial How to Repeat Any Shape Along a Circular Path, I had a few questions on how to repeat shapes along any path, not necessarily a circle. In this week’s tutorial, I share a quick tip that will make repeating shapes along any path a cinch in Illustrator…. Source: