Announcing the 1Password command-line tool public beta

Here at AgileBits, we’ve been working hard over the last few months to bring power users, developers, and administrators more powerful ways to interact with 1Password. We’re proud to announce that we have something that fits the bill…. Source:

How to Tell if a Website is Made With WordPress

When you’re surfing the web and visiting different websites, you probably often get the ‘oh wow’ feeling that some websites manage to give you with their design. One of the first things it’ll make you wonder is how it was made…. Source:

Totally Tooling Tips: Webpack Tips

Learn how to keep your Webpack JavaScript bundles as small as possible in this new episode with Matt and Addy. They cover code-snippets for ensuring you’re minifying and splitting up your bundles efficiently.Webpack for Real Tasks: Decreasing Front-End Size and Improving Caching:… Source:

Getting svn to ignore files and directories | superchlorine

Who knew it would be so hard to get svn to ignore some files and directories? I’m working on an Android project, and I wanted svn to stop looking at me questioningly regarding files and directories that were automatically generated every time I built my source code. Basically, I needed svn to completely ignore the following: bin/ […]

Get started with Docker Compose | Docker Documentation

On this page you build a simple Python web application running on Docker Compose. The application uses the Flask framework and maintains a hit counter in Redis. While the sample uses Python, the concepts demonstrated here should be understandable even if you’re not familiar with it. Source: Get started with Docker Compose | Docker Documentation

Making your dockerised PHP application even better | The Geeky Platypus Blog

The previous post about dockerising a PHP application (which you should read if you haven’t) got a lot more attention than I ever imagined, which is AWESOME. However, while introducing some of  the suggested improvements a number discrepencies between the contents of the blog post and the GitHub repository emerged. Buuut… Source: Making your dockerised PHP application even better | […]