Getting Started with React Hooks

React Hooks are a great new feature coming in React 16.7. React 16.6 brought some awesome new things like React.memo() and React.lazy and Suspense. The React team isn’t stopping there. Hooks are a feature that you’ll end up using every single day of your React development…. Source:

Demystifying JavaScript Testing

Many people have messaged me, confused about where to get started with testing. Just like everything else in software, we work hard to build abstractions to make our jobs easier…. Source:

Understanding React v16.4+ New Component Lifecycle Methods

ReactJs v16.3 introduced significant changes in component lifecycle. There has been a few deprecations of methods as well as addition of new methods. In this post, we will inspect the new component lifecycle methods of React v16.3+…. Source:


This cheatsheet contains a summary of the Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript course at Frontend Armory. Want to deepen your understanding of promises, async and await? The course will guide you there through 47 live examples and exercises…. Source:

Vue-emit: an npm package to dispatch events in Vue.js

Vue.js provides an API for dispatching events in components by this.$emit. But in functional components, you don’t have this instance at all and many people who didn’t previously worked with functional components, ask “How to emit an event in a functional component?”… Source: