All the Conditional Renderings in React

Conditional rendering in React is no witchcraft. In JSX – the syntax extension used for React – you can use pure JavaScript. In JavaScript you should be familiar with if-else or switch case statements. You can use it in JSX as well, since JSX only mixes HTML and JavaScript…. Source:

A gentle Introduction to React’s Higher Order Components

Another fitting headline for the article could be: learn Higher Order Components with Conditional Rendering in React. Higher order components, or known under the abbreviation HOCs, are often a hard to grasp pattern in React. These components can be used for multiple use cases…. Source:

JavaScript fundamentals before learning React

Follow This month, all articles are sponsored by TRUMPF Laser GmbH. The german company I worked with is using a sophisticated React with GraphQL and .NET tech stack. They are hiring eager developers for their sites in Berlin and Schramberg…. Source:

React Redux Node MongoDB JWT Authentication Example

React Redux Node MongoDB JWT Authentication Example is the today’s leading topic. We use React and Redux for the frontend, Node.js as a platform, express as a web framework and MongoDB as a NoSQL database…. Source:

When to break up a component into multiple components

At what point does it make sense to break a single component into multiple components? Did you know that you could write any React Application as a single React Component? There’s absolutely nothing technically stopping React from putting your entire application into one giant component…. Source:

Render Children in React Using Fragment or Array Components

What comes to your mind when React 16 comes up? Context? Error Boundary? Those are on point. React 16 came with those goodies and much more, but In this post, we’ll be looking at the rendering power it also introduced — namely, the ability to render children using Fragments and Array Components…. Source:

Why you should leave React for Vue, and never use it again.

Recently, Vue.js gained more stars that React on Github. The popularity of this framework is soaring these days, and as it is not backed by a company like Facebook (React) or Google (Angular), it is surprising to see it rising out of nowhere…. Source:

React is just JavaScript

Many people starting out get overwhelmed by all the things happening in the React ecosystem. There’s this idea that what happens in React is magic and that getting started with React is super complicated unless you use tools like create-react-app…. Source: