Bookshop With React & Redux II: Async Requests With Thunks

JavaScript is the language on fire. Build an app for any platform you want including website, server, mobile, and desktop. Previously, we got ourselves started with React with Redux fundamentals and touched all the core concepts of Redux including Actions, Reducers and Stores…. Source:

All About React Router 4

I met Michael Jackson for the first time at React Rally 2016, soon after writing an article on React Router 3. Michael is one of the principal authors of React Router along with Ryan Florence. It was exciting to meet someone who built a tool I liked so much, but I was shocked when he […]

What’s New in Create React App – React Blog

Less than a year ago, we introduced Create React App as an officially supported way to create apps with zero configuration. The project has since enjoyed tremendous growth, with over 950 commits by more than 250 contributors. Source: What’s New in Create React App – React Blog

A React App Infinite Scroll Slider

Recently I’ve been learning about the React framework coming from a AngularJS background. My day job still relies on AngularJS and I haven’t had the chance to get into building any applications with React…. Source:

No Eject – Create React App with SASS, Storybook and Yarn in a Docker Environment

b) I would like to use SASS/SCSS and also have it easily convert to CSS Modules if create-react-app ever includes them with scss support. Also I’m not interested in punishing myself with vanilla css. 1) Have Docker on your computer. Really straight forward…. Source:

Running a React app in a Docker container

I started converting my AngularJS AddressBook app into React. Since this is part of a larger project to run all the parts of my app in Docker containers with Docker Compose, I needed to look at how I can run my React app in a container…. Source:

Using create-react-app with React Router + Express.js

I’m writing this guide because I haven’t found implementations of this setup using the new and cool (and official) create-react-app by Facebook. Suppose you want to start a new project with React.js and because you are a good software developer, you want to use npm, babel and webpack…. Source: