JavaScript async patterns quick guide

From web applications to servers and mobile apps, from small programs to big projects, JavaScript is everywhere. It’s the main choice to embrace any project because, well, it’s 2018 and JS is an even more mature language, with an enormous community supporting it…. Source:

Understanding React v16.4+ New Component Lifecycle Methods

ReactJs v16.3 introduced significant changes in component lifecycle. There has been a few deprecations of methods as well as addition of new methods. In this post, we will inspect the new component lifecycle methods of React v16.3+…. Source:

Authenticate a Node ES6 API with JSON Web Tokens

In this guide, we’ll be implementing token based authentication in our own node.js A.P.I. using JSON web tokens. To keep this short and relatively sweet, if you’d like to read about what tokens are and why you should consider using them, have a look at this article here…. Source:

Understanding Redux: The World’s Easiest Guide to Beginning Redux

This is a comprehensive (but simplified) guide for absolute Redux beginners, or any who wants to re-evaluate their understanding of the fundamental Redux concepts. For an expanded Table of Contents please visit this link, & for more advanced Redux concepts check out my Redux books…. Source:

The Best Explanation of JavaScript Reactivity ?

Many front-end JavaScript frameworks (Ex. Angular, React, and Vue) have their own Reactivity engines. By understanding what reactivity is and how it works, you can improve your development skills and more effectively use JavaScript frameworks…. Source:

When to break up a component into multiple components

At what point does it make sense to break a single component into multiple components? Did you know that you could write any React Application as a single React Component? There’s absolutely nothing technically stopping React from putting your entire application into one giant component…. Source:

Automate Your Workflow with Node

You know those tedious tasks you have to do at work: Updating configuration files, copying and pasting files, updating Jira tickets. Time adds up after a while. This was very much the case when I worked for an online games company back in 2016…. Source:

Replace Animated GIFs with Video

Have you ever seen an animated GIF on a service like Imgur or Gfycat and inspected it in your dev tools, only to find out that GIF was really a video? There’s a good reason for that. Animated GIFs can be downright huge…. Source:

Why Narative loves Gatsby

To understand why we love Gatsby you have to understand what we do at Narative. Narative is a digital studio that focuses on creating the best brands and products in the world. Our team works on everything from page based websites to complex web apps…. Source: